Murder with Icing (Download)
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Welcome to a Holly Jolly Murder Mystery Dinner!
Gather your near and dear ones to solve the case of Santa Claus' murder!
Suitable for 4 to 8 players aged 12 and above.
Familyfriendly: This mystery game is safe to be played with younger teenagers (no 17+ content).
Language: English (UK)
After your purchase you will receive a download link with a ZIP file that you may access 30 days after you have completed the purchase.
To download the game, you need 10MB free storage space on your mobile, tablet or laptop.
The game is suitable for 4 up to 12 players (with additional roles you find below). You will receive all information to sponteously adapt your game to a number of players of your choice.
Feel free to print out the booklets or play while reading the contents on your mobile device or computer.
Setting the Scene
Further information
Additional Roles
Welcome to Christmas Village!
It’s almost Christmas Day and a small village near the North Pole is in turmoil. Santa Claus is lying dead in his armchair by the fireplace. What happened? Who murdered the loveliest man in the world? And what will become of Christmas?
The Victim.
Santa Claus. White beard, red coat, easy to spot.
On the morning of December 24th, his wife Trudy found him dead in his favourite armchair.
The Suspicious Christmas Helpers
Ermentrude “Trudy” Claus
The heart of Santa’s wife is filled with Christmas spirit. She is the best baker in the village.
Her favourite ingredients? Love and lots of cinnamon.
Leif Claus
Santa and Trudy’s son may not be wearing his Santa suit yet,
but he’s working on fitting into it – with cakes and gingerbread.
Bertie the Supervisor Elf
He is the boss of all elves. Year after year, all gifts for the children
are made in the toy factory under his supervision.
Elsie the Gift Elf
The happy little elf with pointy ears is responsible for gift
wrapping. Ornate bows are her specialty.
Pixie the Technology Elf
Pixie has a knack for invention. She takes care of navigation and
calculating the shortest routes for gift delivery by sleigh.
Sukie the Letter Elf
Sukie is Santa’s right hand. She answers children’s letters all year round
since she has by far the most beautiful handwriting.
Torvin the Reindeer Keeper
He lovingly takes care of Dasher, Dancer and the other reindeer
who work hard on Christmas Day each year.
Rupert, Santa’s Helper
The old warhorse is Santa’s faithful companion. Because he swings a wooden staf
f and hands out charcoal to naughty kids, children still have respect for Christmas.